well the car is a concept, it is a transportation tool that uses motor function, vision, hearing, and feel. It is a complete sensory experience that was crafted by another individual for the use of a consumer. Some of the things and engineer does can be completely hidden unless you know what you are looking for and other things can be dramatic and easily understood. ~addi
An idiot admires complexity, a genius admires simplicity, a physicist tries to make it simple, for an idiot anything the more complicated it is the more he will admire it, if you make something so clusterfucked he can't understand it he's gonna think you're a god cause you made it so complicated nobody can understand it. That's how they write journals in Academics, they try to make it so complicated people think you're a genius ~Terry Davis
If you guys have ideas for things to do, let me know. I probably will ignore them. ~Terry Davis
Once you start drinking tea or whatever from pints/mason jars or anything that holds atleast half a liter, you can't go back! It's allows you to be a more efficient NEET (^ー^)o自自o(^ー^) ~ayashii anon 2022/06/20
I seen one guy in Snapchat short videos. He saying different random people that they looks good. But he often use word «sick». Like «Your have sick tattoos» or «Your haircut is sick». But as I know sick means something bad. Not? ~vlad
My gf started to use English only in our chatting. Yesterday we visit cinema, movie about wolf who work at «wall» street and whole movie was without any translation. ~vlad
BRANDS defined what a hacker looks like. he buys all kids of hardware he doesnt utilize, funkos, minion plushies, goes to defcon, uses dark mode. he is antipiracy and thinks streaming services and drm are good and earnestly believes that russia and north korea are behind all major cyber attacks. ~sb
If anyone ever needs their centurylink pppoe password and can't or doesn't want to call the office, sniff the handshake on the line and brute force the chap+MD5 password. Passwords are 8 characters uppercase and lowercase, no digits, no special characters. This leaves 4.8e13 passwords to try which you can get done in a weekend. ~Justiss Guyoono
Every man must eat his own sandwich ~gex
porn is the same as choclate cake. the brain over rewards for something thats too easy and addictive ~ted
I wish that I could say this without coming off as abrasive and combative, but I simply do not understand what 95% of people on Neocities believe themselves to be doing. They preach about the old, decentralised Web then shill Disc*rd and their social media platforms. They talk about how the old, FREE Web was great and then attempt to cancel and silence anyone whose speech they disagree with. Not to mention the majority of the sites are just glorified ABOUT ME pages and advertisements for people's nu-Web profiles instead of the interesting, creative content that filled the old Web. ~Koshka
Hell is using computers ~addi
Never discuss cheese with rats, talk bread with birds or make moves with snakes. ~Jeff Epstein
I can lock down my browser and gain some means of control over what data google steals. You cannot do that with a launher you are forced to install to play a game. ~icouldntthinkofaname
You matter, you are here for a reason, god didn’t give you life for no reason, find your journey no matter how big or how small and embrace it and you will live and you will live so well. ~Owen Benjamin #1496
All of that “advanced”stuff in school is useless, I’d say 30% of it is straight up lies and the rest can’t be applied to anyone's life. I had a neighbor come by recently and identify over 50 different plants on our land and tell us how they are used. My other friend who didn’t go to college can make his own guns and bullets. I know a guy who can make diesel fuel from biomass in his yard, none of this is taught in school. School teaches how to submit, memorize, accept debt, and follow evil orders. ~Owen Benjamin #1485
When the hole is a perfect fit, it is hard to get in. ~unknown
Being confined, highly mental, and pre planned makes ur dick bad. Being heart based and flow state makes ur dick good ~Owen (I think)
The only thing that youtube actively censors is accusations of pedophilia/satanism and the word nigger. ~secret youtube insider
Do not share your knowledge with those who do not seek it. ~unknown
I used to actually enjoy smoking cigs. I used to smoke like 5 a day. Then I got up to 10 or more. After a while it just became a joyless addiction. I was sick of having to go outside every hour or so, I was sick of having a raspy throat and dry mouth. ~anon no.24757
Smoking should be something special, a cig should be ENJOYED, slowly, and preferably with friends. Smoking anything shouldn't be a meaningless oral fixation. ~Shy
we gotta drop the naive shtick that having opinions on games is a qualification for understanding just about anything about development ~danny o'dwyer
The computer is made a general scapegoat at the same time it's covering up for what somebody wants to do anyway. "it has to be this way", "the computer will not allow this", "the computer won't let us" The translation is, of course, THE STINKY LOUSY PROGRAM DOES NOT PERMIT IT. Which means in turn: WE DO NOT CHOOSE TO PROVIDE, IN OUR PROGRAMS AND EQUIPMENT, ANY ALTERNATIVES. ~Ted Nelson, Computer lib 1974
"Artificial Intelligence" is at once the sexiest and most ominous term in the world. It chills and impresses at the same time. In principle it means the simulation of processes of mind, by any means at all; Actually, "AI" has generally become an all-inclusive term for systems that amaze, astound, mystify, and do not operate according to principles which can be easily explained.... Unfortunately laymen are so impressed by computers in general that they easily suppose computers can do anything involving information. ~Ted Nelson, Computer lib 1974
The whole “the J’s made us go to war” is making the J your god. If another man can make you choose to pick up a weapon, travel thousands of miles, shoot the weapon at a complete stranger and pull the trigger, then that man is your god. God your creator has given you free will that cannot be taken by man unless you offer it. The exchange is lead for gold, it’s the ancient deal. And no one can make you do it. ~Owen Benjamin Dec 7th 2022
you need two REAL EYES to REALISE. A single eye, even if all seeing, has no depth perception. ~probably Owen
Compromise is always wrong if it means sacrificing a principle. ~A fortune cookie
Lowering the barrier for entry does not improve technology, it just makes the products born of it worse... But if you are making art then you should understand your tools and use materials that offer the most longevity... ~Tom morrow
tupac spoke the truth i think the goverment killed him if he was still around he will have a website to speak the truth on. ~shesheli
public schools teaches us not to think. the goverment has a system to blind us. we have no sight. were blinded to things in front of us. :stare: ; i hate school you have to carry harry bags full of work. didnt you ever notice its the same cycle preeschool, school, college, work......we do the same thing all our lives no time to think about the things truely important. ~shesheli
t-v tells lies 2 ur vision; okay u know the t-v right , everyone knows about the tv!!! the tv is a system to keep us domesticate us and entertain us thats wat it does... ohya and this is not on topic but i totally HATE SCHOOL :scream: it like totally does the same thing it makes u have no life work work work blah blah ~shesheli
Spary foam will be the new asbestos in the coming decades. It offgasses forever, it cracks and allows air and moisure leakage. It degrades into crumbs. Building science is a real, good thing, but they need to think longer term with the systems they build with. Also look into the cumulative offgassing of products. "no VOC" means "it's VOC's are offgassed over an extremely long peroid of time and every other non/low VOC product in your house does the same, so you are essentially living in a constant state of super elevated VOC's. Where as a product with extremely high VOC's offgass almost immediately and then become inert. ~anon
Client bans/changes don't stop botting, Botters use the vanilla client to begin with. Also the GE bots are always completely unaffected and jagex refuses to care. By now it is very clear jagex allows certain bots and only issues bans and ban waves in a structured way to keep botters in profit so they keep returning and subscribing. According to jagex the resource gathering bots that do very little to affect your game experience are evil, but the gambling, scamming, begging, and ge bots that are constantly in your face are a okay! ~V
I would never buy a product I do not want even if it means in the future I MIGHT be able to buy another product that I do want. What kind of end user would buy something they DO NOT WANT? The 1% or less of people who will buy something they don't want for the chance to have a company make something they DO want in the future is not going to alter the comapany's choice to make something they do want because the people who actually do want the product they are selling now and buy it make up 99% of the sales. "buy now so you can buy later" is basically a cult like mantra or marketing strategy. Your singular non purchase of something is not going to change the company at all. The people who want, buy, and enjoy using the product are the ones moving the company forward. The people trying to get you to purchase something that is not what you want are more than likely experiencing some form of buyers remorse or some other mental issues OR they are actually just paid(?) marketing people trying to convince you to buy something. ~Shy on the framework laptop "buy now so they make better ones later" nonsense
I dont take advice from people with less kids than me ~addi
The real tragedy of “climate change” is that it’s such horse shit that it shadows actual environmental issues. It’s easy to tune out any environmentalist because “climate change” is basically a fake end times prophecy for the dumbest religion in human history. ~Owen Benjamin 4/18/23
I have taken around 4000 plates with my 8x10 camera and of those I show about one percent. ~Toshio Shibata 2008
The death of Flash was 90% political, 10% due to security issues (the severity which is debatable) and entirely unnecessary. It was the ultra-modern equivalent of a hostile takeover, wherein a technology/platform/ideology is wrongfully extinguished from the public sphere by way of 1) a propaganda giant (Google) creating an often inferior competitor (amorphous "HTML5"), 2) assimilating the vast majority of the relevant market's user base (browsers, ergo nearly all computer users), 3) holding the competitor's technology hostage using your technology (Flash typically requires a web browser), 4) eventually excluding the competitor's technology from their monopoly product (Chrome), and then 5) finally making statements that the competitor was a threat to your security and that we are all now so much safer in the hands of big brother. This was a protracted process that first showed signs of the inevitable conclusion somewhere around 2012. For anyone who was involved with Adobe software at the time, the writing was simply on the wall. It's not the first or even the hundredth technology to die a gruesome death this way, but it is probably the most famous example where most people believed the "slavery is freedom" message from their Google overlords. Flash old, flash bad. Flash insecure cause Chrome say so. I like Chrome. Chrome never lie to me. Chrome say stop using Flash. Flash bad.
At the end of the day, the only meaningful difference between Flash and Google's "HTML5" (I put it in quotes because HTML5 itself was just a stepping stone to their current custom elements autocracy) was merely whose hands it was in. The use cases and applications of both technologies are very, very similar, but the winner is always the company who can lie to the most people. Google realized pretty quickly that the web browser was the single most visited thing in computer users' daily lives. Then they forgot to change their motto to "always do evil" when they started using Chrome for propaganda. Adobe didn't have that iron grip over the flow of information to the people. They didn't stand a chance with Google turning most of Adobe's own end users against Adobe.
Somewhat off-topic, but you asked (tangentially), and since MDL is place that tends to shun propaganda in favor of reality, I thought I'd explain this. The larger connection to the OP and this topic is that you should wield skepticism when regarding statements like "oh you can't use this any more because it's insecure". Who says it's insecure? A competitor? What do they have to gain by smearing their competition? (see Flash story) Or, is company is claiming their own product is insecure? What do they have to gain by compelling you to update? (more spyware, more PII harvesting, etc.) Is there a published write-up on the alleged insecurity? What is the extent of the insecurity? And, most importantly, was there even an insecurity in the first place, or is the company hiding behind the "update to be secure" message in order to hold an iron grip over its users? You don't have to be an engineer or infosec guy just to be a scrupulous user. Cultivate your bulls**t detector. ~FuzzleSnuz MDL post 1/9/23
Most of my life I wondered if my paintings would improve if I used better paint brushes or paint and when I finally did it made no difference! Most of the time the tools don't matter and those who obsess over tools and not creativity and resourcefulness will never get as far. Leonardo da vinci created masterpieces with a stick of charcoal, hollywood did just fine without raw, log, or luts for over a hundred years and some of the most beautiful images to ever grace the silver screen were created! ~Markus Rothkranz
Technology is great it can help make life easier, but when you focus on technology and not originality, heart, story, and emotional message you are asking for trouble. No matter how slick the technology that you use is, it cannot make your work a masterpiece! Never depend on technology to make you a good photographer or filmmaker, depending on technology is dangerous. ~Markus Rothkranz
To be successful you need to understand the difference between nerds and artists; artists are not afraid to take chances, to try new things, and their main focus is to tell a story, to elicit an emotion. Nerds on the other hand focus all their energies on specs and numbers and test charts and whatever is new and complex and expensive, They compare everything and they over analyze. Artists don't care about any of that they don't compare themselves or their work with anyone. Slow motion shots and blurry backgrounds do not make someone a great filmmaker. Special effects, gamma curves, megapixels, and dynamic range don't make a movie great. Storytelling does. ~Markus Rothkranz
Tomorrow we honor the memory of the men who paid the ultimate price to bring porn and central banking to random corners of the world. Especially areas with mineable lithium. ~Owen Benjamin 5/28/23
Call me a crazy conspiracy nut job, but…if I was a greedy, useless, envious guy who hypothetically wanted to control everyone, I would take as many competent men who would dominate me in business and call out my schemes, and I’d get them to pointlessly damage themselves in a sandbox while I stayed home with their wives, children, and business opportunities. Than I would make anyone who criticized my system of destroying my competition “anti American.” And as I consolidated the systems and resources of the nation, I would convince everyone that the men pointlessly damaging each other thousands of miles away were the ones granting you all of your “freedom.” ~Owen Benjamin 5/29/23
A Tesla is like what poor people think luxury is. ~Textmate
You know, between the games industry releasing broken products designed to be updated for years, major software companies making "subscription services", I'm getting worried that the modern mentality is that software can never be "finished". It's genuinely one of the most concerning things about modern software and its development. NOTHING is allowed to be "done". Everything must be updated and supported forever. There's no such thing as being "feature complete" and then development is finished. ~Mauro Merconchini
You have to remember when you hear that word 'incel' its a spiritual attack. The fact that that word is being thrown around at all is a direct spiritual attack on you it is meant to demoralize you, wire sex with shame, and wire sex with their tightly controlled society. ~Charls Carroll
soul is real. But it is a product of serendipity, mastery, or talent. By trying to do it you're not doing it. ~anon
All these guys talking about white genocide, the one thing that could stop it, their only hope, is the one thing they can’t do. Get a woman pregnant. Because they only wanna bang guys. Because they’re gay. ~Owen Benjamin
True crime stories which are HUGELY promoted, are the hall of fame for demons of what they convinced people to do and they want as many people to hear about it as possible. ~Owen Benjamin
Bitcoin isn't peer to peer it's queer to queer ~Owen Benjamin
A man who works with his hands is a labourer. A man who works with his hands and his head is a craftsman. A man who works with his haands, his head, and his heart is an artist. ~ Saint Francis of Assisi
There is only one way to write good software, and that's with the right mindset and mental framework. Without the right problem-seeking and solving mindset when developing software, you will never do anything big. ~Quake
You don't solve more with more. You Solve it with less. ~Caspian
For many problems with user-facing software, "adding more bits" is the wrong solution. The right solution often involves tapping into the user's natural cognitive and social capabilities. To paraphrase Will Wright, your software doesn't just run on the computer -- it also runs in each of your users' heads. And to paraphrase Clay Shirky, social software also runs on the "hivemind" of the group as a whole. All together, that's an extraordinarily powerful hardware platform. Take advantage of it! ~Bret Victor
You know who's worse than feds? The children of feds. ~Spice Bear
wtf...another Gang weeder silenced by the government, media, and corporations... ~FRANCISCVS
late is for a little while suck is forever ~GabeN
I finish my shooting days at 3, 3:30, 4... Because I don't shoot coverage, I know what I'm doing. It's appalling to hear young filmmakers are shooting 550 hours of footage, they don't know what they are doing. They just keep the camera rolling, and they end up with 650 hours of footage, and it's all mediocre. And you cannot find any GEMS in an ocean of mediocrity. So, they're doomed. ~Werner Herzog
my kin won't be using the computer for anything other than roller coaster tycoon until they're old enough to drive ~Blas
Even if pornography is considered freedom of speech or expression, that doesn’t mean because it’s protected we should indulge it to its fullest either. Guns are also legally protected, but shooting your neighbours daughter in the face isn’t acceptable either ~Nickel City Bear
Nestle literally takes all of California's water and then nestle owned media says it’s a drought because you drive a car. It’s so psychotic and hilarious. The corporate wars constantly going on behind the scenes are fascinating ~Owen
The boundary between reality and fantasy have just been blurred by this ungodly machine ~Anon
I don't understand the "I cannot be associated with this type of content" argument. As long as you are not creating the type of content with which you want no association, nor interact with or comment on it, in what way will you be associated with it? The answer is: None. Just because you exist within the same borders as something else it doesn't mean you're being associated with it. If your ego tells you otherwise, it's bloated. You may be the main character in your own life but to everyone else you're not so important that they will associate you with everything they experience. People who follow you will only associate you with something if you give them reason to - not for simply existing within the same realm. Chances are, they won't even realise that the other thing exists within the same borders unless you point it out to them. ~Anon
Our money IS debt. For thousands of years money was gold or silver or a certificate backed by gold or silver. Since 1971 the money itself is debt. The more debt the more liquid money in the world. It will expand until it deflates to nothing or hyper inflates to nothing. That’s why large businesses no longer attempt to make money they attempt to increase their ESG score because the next currency is data/social credit. If no one bought a single item at target for the next ten years it would still be open and fully staffed. It’s a concept that seems insane but it’s what it actually is and why the world is socially resembling a clown car. The carrots and sticks of commerce are inverted. It will fail because it goes against reality. There’s never been a better time to focus on what is real, valuable, and in service to others. Family is wealth, money is debt. ~Owen
Right wing parasites are no different than left wing parasites. They never offer solutions. The truth in this world is you only control what you create and even then it’s only with Gods blessing. Never complain about anything you aren’t actively solving. And only get in online fights if it’s entertaining for your audience. Keep it funny. ~Owen
Apocalypse doesn’t mean the end it means the revealing. It’s definitely happening. Not just the world stage but in everyone’s personal lives. The masks are totally off and the actual separation is happening. Not rich vs poor or red vs blue or any of the fake divisions. The actual division. People of the lie and people who seek truth. People who struggle to serve God vs people who struggle against God. And unlikely and seemingly random friendships and bonds are forming all over the place. People who feel gratitude vs people who feel spite. People who take responsibility vs people who seek victim status. What was in the dark is in the light now. People who see infinite abundance vs people who see scarcity. People who love children as the wealth of a nation vs people who see them as a burden and a nuisance. People who see generosity as strength versus a weakness. ~Owen
One of the biggest psyops ever is that the American "white" man doesn't have power. None of these things happen without our acceptance and adoption. That's why all of this marketing is to demoralize the American "White" male. The richest, most armed, and most economically independent large group of people in the world by far. Don't let these "white nationalists" make you think you're an underdog and you have to beg for anything in the streets with chaos. That's for the salves, are you a slave? It's a choice. Choose, and be honest with yourself about who you are. ~Owen
All wars are gay wars. There are no noble wars, they are feeding troughs for demons and blood sacrifices for the devil. Don't trust anyone telling you to "die for your nation". When you sign that piece of paper that says your flesh is now the property of the military industrial complex, you just betrayed all of your ancestors. ~Owen
All you youngsters bummed because everything is shitty now and used to be so great, it wasn’t great. Before the internet doctors that figured out how to cure cancer were just straight up assassinated. When my mom homeschooled my brother cops showed up and threatened to take him away. No one talked about any of the shit that is common knowledge now. And all you “normies” that want to pretend everyone is crazy who doesn’t follow along shit that is obviously poisonous and insane, fuck you. People die because of your shit. In my opinion I’d say things are a lot better. Right now I can walk into any supermarket and buy pasture raise chick eggs. Grass fed beef and fluoride free toothpaste. This was not true in the 90’. Back in the '70's and '80's, from a distance, you could look at any US city, large or small on a clear sunny day and there would be a brown haze blanketing it. ~Owen+Various
Now that art has to operate on the same screen as everybody else, the contextual privilege disappears. If you cover a museum wall with peanut butter, it’s art. But what if you do the same thing on Youtube? ... Is art only that what is shown in museums? Does the word art mean anything? I’d like to believe there is something valuable that separates art from the rest but I’m not so sure. ~Rafaël Rozendaal
The culture of death is a combination of nihilism and hedonism which spreads throughout a society in response to social despair. A state of spiritual isolation arising from inadequate social bonds. Because social bonds provide an important emotional bulwark against negative experiences, and are also a regular source of pleasure, those suffering from social despair are hypersensitive to stressors and lead a relatively joyless existence. In this state they develop a dependence on sensory stimulation and emphatic reinforcement of self-image. This reaction further stunts the ability to form organic social bonds, their activities revolve entirely around selfish experiences. ~Unknown
Failure means an attempt was made toward success. ~MrWhitBear
The television screen has become the retina of the mind's eye. Soon all of us will have special names, names designed to cause the cathode ray tube to resonate. The battle for the mind of North America will be fought in the video arena. ~Professor Brian O'Blivion
Trust your instincts in decision-making. ~A fortune cookie
Your wants are engineered, your needs are God given. ~Topher
This is a cool quote! ~Shy